Sunday, August 12, 2007

Is this what we have to look forward to in 15 years?!!

All last week Sam and Ethan went to Vacation Bible School. The theme was "King of the Jungle". The church did a great job decorating and putting on an amazing exciting week. Throughout the week they made jungle crafts. They made a drum, a rain stick, sunglasses and a picture frame complete with their handsome pictures. When Greg and I got out Ethan's picture we were a little taken back by his picture....we both had visions of him fast forward 15 years....YIKES!! The kid could have smiled....the silly thing looks like a mug shot. What a goof ball! Below is an edited picture sent to us from "Papa"....thanks Dad!!

If you haven't already be sure to check out my other posts!


Karen said...

I am laughing so hard right now I am in serious threat of wetting my pants! Your dad has a GREAT sense of humor. Ha Ha. It DOES look like a mug shot!

Anonymous said...

Before I scanned down to your post I was thinking, 'Wow, that's a terrible picture- it totally looks like a mug shot!' Haha!