Sunday, November 08, 2009

It's happened again...

My baby went from this:

To this:

In the blink of an eye!!

Last Monday, Ethan turned SEVEN! I just can't believe that seven years ago I was holding this little boy and wondering what in the world we were going to do with him. The little boy who was born with his foot turned in and who's birth kept me flat on my back for 10 days with a throbbing spinal headache! A birth that won me a trip back to the hospital in an ambulance and an MRI that I will never forget. I wouldn't trade any of it if it meant not having him. Ethan is a delight in our house. He is a ray of light every moment of every day. Here are some pictures of his big day which included a play date with his friend Luke (shown above).

Of course the theme this year was transformers! Believe it or not...this is JOEL!

Sam sipping coke, Gabe trying to put his mask on!

Two first grade transformers.

A Razor scooter from Gigi and Papa!

A transformer gun from Granny and Grandpa!

The cake per Ethan's request: Ice-cream cake with Optimus Prime and Bumblebee on top.

Seeing the cake for the first time. He was EXCITED! This is the cake my Mom always made me for my is so yummy, ya'll want the recipe??

And now seven things I love about my seven year old:
  1. My favorite thing about Ethan right at this very moment is that everyday, several times a day, he tells me how beautiful Abby is. Then he tells me how beautiful I am. LOVE IT!
  2. Ethan loves to snuggle. We spent the first 30 minutes of the morning today snuggling on the couch. He is going to make some woman very happy one day.
  3. Ethan can read, he can read really well, he doesn't do it often but he's smarter then he gives himself credit for.
  4. Ethan delights in making Joel laugh, he loves making himself a human ride for Joel.
  5. Ethan is a fantastic artist. He loves comic books and super heros!
  6. Ethan is a great mimicker. He makes me laugh with all of his antics.
  7. Despite being knee high to a grasshopper and barely 40lbs sopping wet Ethan would beat up anyone for being mean to his family. That kid is as loyal as the day is long and I know I always want him on my side.
I love you Ethan Mark! Happy seventh birthday. I hope I'm around to see your 70th!

And just because it is so darn cute...a picture of Sam and Abby:


Unknown said...

Hi Heather - What a lovely family you have! It's hard to believe that you are 30... it doesn't seem that long ago that you were 11 and we were partnered in that mentoring program at Grace! Are you doing much sewing these days? :)

I've enjoyed reading through your blog. Congrats on your newest baby!

It's a small world -- I grew up in Woodbridge!

Kay Sue said...

Happy, Happy Birthday sweet Ethan. GiGi & PaPa love you very, very much!!!!!