Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Wild and Wonderful Weather

We moved to Northern Virginia in April 2006. I cannot believe we have been here almost six years! When the movers dropped off our stuff I wanted to go ahead and schedule a time for them to come back, I knew I was going to HATE DC. Well I haven't exactly hated living here. In fact since moving to Lake Ridge, a small "burb" just south of the metro, we've actually started enjoying Virginia. One thing I'm not exactly used to is the wild weather we have had!

My memory doesn't always serve me well but, from what I remember, since 2006, we have been hit by two tropical storms, two blizzards (aka snowmageddon), one hurricane, several tornadic events and one earthquake! Craziness! The following are pictures from the two blizzards:

The first blizzard was in December 2009.

Ready to brave the 20+ inches!

I was ready too! I could have really used snow bibs that day!

Decked out in Christmas Snow Splendor!

Poor Joel. The snow was as high as he was. At one point he fell in a drift and I almost didn't hear his screams. Scared me to death!

It was almost too deep for snow angels! We have a "pipestem" that runs between our house and our neighbors house. If you live in Northern Virginia, you know exactly what I'm talking about. If you aren't from around these parts a pipestem is essentially another driveway that leads down to even more houses in a cul-de-sac. It's basically how they shove a ton of houses into a small area. The snow plows came regularly to plow our cul-de-sac but the pipestem is private property. Our pipestem is STEEP! All the neighborhood kids had a HUGE time sledding on it before all the men got it cleared. The boys still remember it vividly!!

No jaunt in the snow is complete without hot chocolate and marshmallows!

In early February 2010 we were hit with another 20+ inches of snow. Believe it or not, the original 20+ inches hadn't completely melted before we were hit again! On a side note, in the fall of 2009 we had an INSANE amount of acorns. A neighbor and I were talking about how crazy they were and she mentioned that she had heard that an abundance of acorns in the fall means a bad winter is coming. Boy was she right! Makes me think of Matthew 6:25-27:

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?"

Ready to go out AGAIN!

My van is under there somewhere!

The snow plows just kept piling it up!

Love this picture of Gabe!

Shoveled this all by myself!! I was pretty proud!

In May, Greg will graduate from George Mason with his Masters in Business. He will once again don his army uniform and there is a really good chance we will be moving. I have grown fond of this place wilth all of it's crazy weather, but I'm also ready for a change. I must daily remind myself of those versus in Matthew 6. As with most women, I could worry myself sick with preparations for a move (and on many days I have) but ultimately God is sovereign. He knows where we need to be. "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own!" Matthew 6:34

1 comment:

Nancy said...

I can't believe you guys have been here for that long! Can't wait to see where your adventure takes you next!!!