Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Am I the only one who is glad that the elections are over?  Virginia is a battleground state, it's no joke.  We received knock after knock on our door and phone calls.  Signs were EVERYWHERE and the TV ads, my goodness!

On Tuesday morning I awoke early.  I hadn't slept well the night before, I was too excited to go and vote!  (Is that sad or extremely civic minded?)  I called my parents on my way to the polls.  It was barely 6AM when I made it to the school and the cars were everywhere.  No joke, there were probably 300 people in line in front of me when I got there.  Luckily, I only had to wait an hour to cast my vote and I must admit I rather enjoyed the election day camaraderie.  

After I voted, Greg and I began our pathetic trek around the city to get all the voting "freebies".  I picked up a free coffee at Starbuck's and then we headed over to get our free Krispy Kreme!!  YUM!!  We probably would have headed over to Ben and Jerry's for our free ice cream cone had Joel not vomited all over the backseat and himself.  (If at all possible do whatever you can to not have to give your baby a bath in a Target bathroom...I nearly threw up at the thought of it!)

On our way to Krispy Kreme we passed and honked at these McCain fans over by the Pentagon:

I love the guy in the middle, his sign says "Dudes for McCain".  Too funny!

Speaking of honking...the other day Gabe kept asking me why "Jesus honked at the grave".  For the life of me I could not figure out what he was talking about and kind of changed the subject.  Finally we were sitting in the kitchen and he very adamantly said...

G:  "Mommy, why did Jesus honk at the grave?"
M:  "Gabe, I'm sorry buddy I really don't have any clue what you are talking about"
G:  "You know, like in the song Mommy"
M:  "What song Gabe?"
G:  "Mighty to says Jesus HONKED at the grave"
M:  (light bulb moment...giggle...giggle...)  "No Gabe it says Jesus CONQUERED the grave, it means he beat it!  It means we get to go to heaven when we die if we believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins"
G:  (sheepish little grin) "Oh...(under his breath)...Jesus honked at the grave (giggle)" 

Man, constant reminders that "little pitchers have big ears", huh?!  I'm glad he's paying attention!


Liz said...

That is sooo sweet. Out of the mouth of babes right?

~ Uncle Sam's Family, Est. September 1994 ~ said...

Too funny! :-) Definitely a story to share for generations to come! By the way, what's up with all the puking in your house?

Karen said...

This entry made me smile! You've got such precious kids, Heather... puke and all!