Tuesday, December 04, 2007


We (Greg, Tim, Anna, and I) love "Friends"! Greg actually told me once that he finds "Friends " funnier then Seinfeld. I thought that was huge. One of the best thing about "Friends" is finding similarities in fellow friends and family, for instance, this is my brother, he considers himself VERY sophisticated (minus the porn comment):

This is me, I'm notorious for hating to share food:

This was Sam at soccer this year, don't get me wrong, he was actually pretty good at playing, but he ran, well, like a kid (oh and he never ran into a horse either):

Do you have any favorite "Friends" moments?


Karen said...

The "sharing food" one made me laugh! That is totaly me too! Oh, and the next time I get verbal diarrhea (or, in this case, typing diarrhea) on my blog, you can tell me. Just tell me to "take a pregnancy test". I think that is your code for telling me I'm being witchy, ha ha.
(And no, I'm not pregnant, just PMSing, apparantly.)
Love ya too,

Anonymous said...

YEAH!! A post on Friends! I am loving these new posts just about anything. There are so many wonderful Friends you have definately highlighted some of the best.
