Monday, July 21, 2008

The Dog Days of Summer

Summer is a fabulous time. I have strong convictions about my children having the opportunity to be "bored" on these long summer days. While I definitely don't want them to be bumps on a log, what other time in life do you truly get to be bored all day long with absolutely no responsibility.

So far this summer we have made a few trips to the library, numerous trips to the pool (which I need to do more of, MAN is it HOT!!), and we've been doing something I LOVE. I love to read books and I really love to read books with my kiddos. This summer our quest has been to read books that have been made into movies. The first book we read was "The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe" by C.S. Lewis. (This is a great version of this book and includes original illustrations, which definitely helps little listeners pay attention.)

Greg would read Gabe books at night while Ethan, Sam and I would curl up in my bed and journey to Narnia. After 14 chapters we journeyed to Costco and purchased the movie.

We had such a great time popping popcorn and watching that movie. It was awesome to watch them watch their imaginations come to life. It was also really nice to show them that often the book is better then the movie.

Our latest book was "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang", by Ian Fleming (who by the way wrote the James Bond books).

We had a blast reading the book. Even Gabe got to listen in on this one. Last Wednesday we finished the book and as a bonus found the movie free of charge at the library.

After swim practice on Thursday we came home and made fudge (their is a recipe at the end of the book, it's a British recipe so I "fudged" (HA!) and made this one instead) and then popped popcorn and settled in for a movie fest. Let's just say I had no idea that this movie was NOTHING like the book. Literally nothing like it, it has a flying car and the children's names are the same but that is where the similarities end, which is a shame because this is an excellent book. The boys loved both the book and the movie but definitely for different reasons.

On a side note, in the book, the children end up in a candy store in France, hence the fudge recipe. Last night as we were getting ready for bed Sam asked me why fudge is called fudge..."Mommy" he said, "is Fudge the French word for Yummy". Greg and I got a good laugh out of that one.

We are going to the library this afternoon. I think this go round we are going to read "The Swiss Family Robinson". I can't wait!!


Mandy Guss said...

It's good to see you encouraging your children to enjoy reading... My parents did that for me and my sisters when we were kids and it definitely paid off by giving us all a lifetime love of reading, not to mention the educational benefits. On that note, I have a book recommendation or two... When we were kids we thoroughly enjoyed pretty much anything written by Roald Dahl.. Since you have all boys maybe James and the Giant Peach would be a good choice, but for me personally, my favorite was Matilda. And there are movies for both of the books... Of course, Dahl's most famous book is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - so you could always go for that one too!

The Akin Family said...

What a fun summer you guys are having! You are such a creative mom! I wish I could have seen their precious faces watching the Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe. Miss yall tons, and I want more pictures!

Love, Nina

Karen said...

I absolutely LOVED Chitty Chitty Bang Bang when I was a kid! I'm singing the song in my head right now...

Mandy Guss said...

Your boys might be a bit young for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - the new movie does have a few strange/scary moments.. and the old movie has several too. I'm sure you've seen it, but do you remember the part in the old movie where they're going through that tunnel on the boat with the freaky music and pictures flashing up on the walls.. That part still weirds me out and I'm 28! Of course, none of this from either movie seemed to bother my 6 year old nephew - but he has a good grasp that it's not real and is ok with it. But the safest Dahl choice would definitely be James and the Giant Peach.

Nancy said...

I'm with Mandy on the Dahl books... they are some of my FAVORITES too!

Also, I left you a voicemail this morning about The Secret Garden. I LOVE that book, and there is a movie for it.

I'm also still pushing for Bedknobs and Broomsticks (which is a book and movie) and yes, it is about witch craft but it is such a good movie!!! You'll be singing "Portabello road, portabello road...."

;) Nancy