Thursday, January 25, 2007

When did everything at Old Navy become SO crappy?!

Well, I ventured out today with all three boys (alone) because Sam is out of school. I usually try not to go off post alone with all three because it can be a logistical nightmare. Don't get me wrong, they are GREAT, well behaved boys, but a double wide stroller with a 5 year old holding on to the side would make anyone crazy. First of all NO one makes their aisles wide enough, after plowing through, I usually look like some wayward clothes horse with hangers and random items of clothing trailing from my wheels. Second, if the aisle is wide enough, evidently no one in DC has children, and can't fathom the thought of MOVING to the side a little to let someone with kids through. Grrr #1.

I was so excited to go to Old Navy and spend some gift cards I had received from my wonderful little bro. I knew exactly what I wanted and we marched right over to the maternity section. HELLO, it looked like a clothes bomb had gone off in there! Is there some reason why most of Old Navy is always in dissaray? I mean really! When I worked in retail, if our sale section had looked like theirs, we would have all been fired. I searched, and searched, and searched the clearance for anything in a small, but evidently the entire country also wears a small maternity so everything left were XXL's. Grrrr #2.

I decided to move on to plan B, you can't always get things on sale, so maybe just this once, since I did have a gift card, I could venture over to the "non-sale" items, oh the horror.....boy was I disappointed. Since when is everything at Old Navy made of the thinist (is that how you spell that?!) cotton in the world and/or it looks like it has been washed a million times and then left in the parking lot to be run over. Their stuff is TERRIBLE! I was SO sad. The only redeeming item I found were cute T-shirts that said "Coming this Winter" or "Coming this Fall", etc. Of course there were none with "Coming this Summer". Grrrr #3.

Grrr #3 is like Strike 3, I'm out of there! On to somewhere with decent maternity....any quest continues :)

1 comment:

Shepherd Fam said...

Have you ever been to the Gap Clearance Center in Hebron, KY (near the Cincinnati airport)? Granted you may not be in the area anytime soon, but all of their maternity stuff is $5 (pants, shirts etc.). It might have a hole in it or need hemming, but I found a lot of great stuff when I was pregnant. They have Gap, Old Navy, Banana Republic and some other new store. Anyway, if you are in the area it is well worth a trip! Otherwise you could try using those gift cards at Sometimes the stuff online is better than what is in the store. Good maternity clothes are hard to find. Good luck!!

Shelley :)