Friday, January 26, 2007

You know you're pregnant when....

You know you're pregnant when you have cravings that just won't go away. I'm sure I have had unique cravings with each of my three boys but cravings with Sam and with this baby really seemed to stick out.

When I was pregnant with Sam I was finishing my Senior year of college at WKU. I had to drive about 2 hours one way and I inveitably, at the end of a busy day at school, was always hungry. For some strange reason I had insane cravings for Taco Bell hard tacos. I still remember the specific exit in Horse Cave, KY where I would stop and feed my cravings. Never before and never since have I ever craved Taco Bell but for about 3 months I couldn't get enough. I also seriously craved Sweet Tarts, every week I would buy a pack at the commissary and would stash them away, telling myself, oh this week, I'll make the bag last more then a week, BUT it never did.

This pregnancy I have been hooked on Greek Salads, or maybe just Greek salad dressing. Greg and I go on a mini date every Wednesday night to Panera for about an hour while the boys are at Awanas. When we go I always order the Greek Salad, even when I was feeling a little weasy I could still find "strength" to eat that Greek Salad, YUM! On days like today I can't just run to Panera so I've settled for Krafts Greek Dressing. In a pinch it's pretty good, but today was the day I knew I was totally acting like a pregnant women. We were out of lettuce so I rummuged through the pantry for something that would go well with the dressing. I came up with canned stewed tomatoes, Kalamata Olives, garbanzo beans, feta cheese, and some Triscuits to dip with. It was actually very good. You should try it some time!

At some point in your pregnancy they tell you that if you have "weird" cravings such as dirt or chalk you should tell your doctor immediatly as it is your body telling you that you are defficiant of something. What I want to know it what you are deficiant of when craving hard tacos, sweet tarts, greek salads and peanut butter!!

1 comment:

laurie said...

hey heather! thanks for posting on our blog! i had already checked yours out -- i found it from the momspot. your boys are cute little fellas. :) congrats on #4. when will you find out what it will be? i'll keep checking in on you and your family. take care!