Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Well life has been bogging me down a little but here goes on numbers 11-15 on great things to do/take on vacation:

11. Enjoy some time bonding with your extended family. The boys love going to visit family and are equally excited to see everyone but I will say I think they enjoyed bonding with Great Granny the most. They loved snuggling with her at night and also enjoyed learning about how things were when she was a little girl.

Chillin' with Great Granny. Even at close to 90 she is a hoot
to hang out with and as feisty as ever!

The Spencers

The Lepperts

12. Number 12 on my list is be sure and get a grotesque spider bite, like this one:

Here it is close up (can you see the fang marks, click on'll see 'em):

When I woke up with this on my leg we decided that maybe I should take a trip up to the ER at Fort Knox. BAD IDEA!! We kind of forgot that they have trainees there and they take priority so three hours later I finally was able to leave with a bag full of meds that the pharmacist was a little worried about me taking all together (always great to hear the pharmacist say "Are you sure the doctor wanted you to take ALL these ALL together?", great for my confidence). I was a little concerned that the ER doctor had a death wish for me so my parents let me run over to their neighbor's house who luckily is an internist. He took one look at it and thought there was a good chance that it might be MRSA (the antibiotic resistant staff infection)...well lets just say my confidence was now totally shot. He wrote me another script for different meds and told me not to take all the others from the ER doc. I was feeling pretty good about the whole situation until the next morning when I woke up looking like this:

Yeah, that's right it was now turning black and blue and getting bigger. The black marks around the peripheral are sharpie marks where we were monitoring it's growth. It did get slightly bigger then this before it got smaller and my poor mother...she had to check it for me every hour. I was really scared that it was going to turn necrotic and they were going to have to take big chunks of dead flesh out of my leg. could happen!

13. Number 13 is a no brainer for me...if you don't have one of these in your car and you have children, do not pass go, do not collect $200, rather take that $200 and have one installed:

(picture from

I don't know what we would do without this thing. It has provided literally hours of entertainment while we are on the road, and trust me, we've been on the road a lot. Plus, if your lucky enough and your vacation has been exhaustingly fun enough (plus it helps if your are passing around a little sick bug as mentioned in my previous list), your kiddos will often look like this after watching a video for a very short time:

14. Speaking of making riding in the car easier...if you have boys, be sure to bring number 14 on my list: (picture from

Forget the milk, these wide mouth bottles make pottying on the road a cinch...I won't go into the details, you can use your imagination...

15. And last on my list for sure to take a bath in a HUGE tub!!! One of the reasons my boys love visiting my Mom and Dad is this thing:

When full, the boys could almost swim in it, not to mention the fact that Mom always makes TONS of bubbles for them, even Greg wants to get in on this action!

Stay tuned for the final installment of what to take on vacation. I apologize if this post is not up to par with my normal hot blogging skills....we've been passing around a fever and tonight I think it's got my to take my temp! Have a fabulous night.


Lodmell said...

I am enjoying the count down. It was funny I checked on Google reader to see if there were any new post and I thought I wonder where Heather is? And there you were! Now the next question.. where does the best roommate in the whole world coming to visit with her three wild girls come in?!?! Just kidding! I have been meaning to tell you it was so good to see you all. We will definitely have to catch up more often when you are this way! Anna has been asking if she can go play with those boys and the one the holds her hand! :) how cute? Talk to you soon! I hope you feel better!

Nancy said...

I swear I commented on this post... ugh! your spider bite grosses me out, but the warm cuddlies with great granny even things out, I suppose. ;)