Saturday, September 20, 2008

One of those moments I just had to write down...

Gabe and I were walking to the bus yesterday. Gabe loves to talk and has a very dry sense of humor...this conversation he wasn't joking...

Gabe: Mommy, when am I going to be a baby again?
Me: Gabe you won't ever be a baby again, but one day you can have a baby with your wife...
Gabe: If I have a baby I'm going to give it away as a surprise...
Me: (Chuckling a little under my breath) Gabe you can't give your baby away...why would you want to give your baby away...
Gabe: (Totally serious) 'Cause I don't want a fussy baby, I want a dog...

Can you tell I've been struggling a wee little bit with Joel's fussiness lately. Yikes, maybe I need to keep my thoughts to myself a little more...HA!


Karen said...

I still pictue Gabe being the little baby I last saw at Ft. Riley. I can't believe how clever he is! What a cutie.

Nancy said...

This is so cute! I love the Gabers! I read this to my Grandma when she was here and she agreed with Gabe- forget the kids, gimmie a dog! hehe