Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I am 29 1/2. I should not have recurring acne. Last week I bought this at Target:

It seems like it is helping some...but seriously does it have to smell like Elmer's Glue?! Bleh....


Nancy said...

mmmm... really, that sounds delicious. I suggest spreading a large amount of it all over your face, letting it dry and seeing if you can peel it off in one big, thick layer... If it smells AND acts like Elmers glue, this might be successful.

Darby said...

Ok, so you probably think I'm mad because I still haven't replied to your comment!! I'm sorry it's taken me so long... and yes, I stole it from you... lo siento seniorita! Next time I'll give you a holla! :) Your post about the Elmers glue cracked me up... Paiger would probably eat it if she smelled it! Hope you had a wonderful Thursday!!

Nancy said...

P.S.- You're gorgeous, stop scrubbing.