Tuesday, October 23, 2007

If Elisabeth can do it, why can't I?

Make sure and read my edit below if you
haven't already....it is also in red.

Today on "The View" Elisabeth Hasselback showcased her favorite baby items. It got me thinking and I thought I would blog my favs. Hey, baby sis....this one's for you!


I nursed Sam for 6 weeks. I was so ready to be done. It hurt so bad, I swore I would never do it again. Of course by the time Ethan was born, the "nursing guilt" had taken over and I tried again, but with a horrible spinal headache, it just wasn't happening. I was a lot more gung-ho to nurse Gabe and did so for 8 weeks but since Greg left for Iraq 12 days after he was born it was really hard and he was hungry all the time, so I just couldn't do it. So far Joel has been my nursing success story, I'm at 12 weeks and all though many days he nurses every 2 hours, he does sleep through the night so I have no plan to stop nursing. I credit my success to really good nursing bras and a sweet husband who will buy my any baby item I think I need.

During the day I love the Bravado nursing bra. This bra is SUPER comfy and its design allows for easy access. It goes over your head, kind of like a sports bra and it's super easy to wash. I just throw it in with the boys clothes and it's ready to wear again. This bra is a must for nursing success.

(10/24) In regards to my below comment about the Madela pump....I'm not saying it's a bad pump, I'm saying that had I known that the only piece that actually touches your skin/milk is a $6 part, I would have purchased one much cheaper off of Ebay or borrowed a friends.....It is a nice pump.

One of the reasons I hated nursing in the past was having to wear a bra at night. Well no more! The Medela nursing bra is so comfortable. I got a size bigger then I actually needed and I barely feel it at night. It is just enough to hold my pads in. LOVE IT! Now while we are on the subject of Medela....Greg bought me one of their super duper pumps. WHAT A RIP OFF. Don't get me wrong, it works just fine, but why in the world does it cost almost $300?? Everything on the box talks about how it should only be used by one person, WHY? Sure there are a few pieces that actually touch your skin, and sharing those would be GROSS, but those parts cost about $6 to replace or could easily just be boiled!

My latest favorite baby accessorie is my hotsling
I LOVE this thing and so does Joel. You can wear it a lot of different ways, it is way cute, and super comfy. I don't know if I will ever again wear that oh so uncomfy Baby Bjorn! Oh and get it off of ebay, I guarantee you will get it for a lot cheaper (like 50% off)!

Greg and I debated for several days about getting this item, but I am so thankful that we did. It is the Phil and Ted's sport double stroller. It is the best stroller I own, and trust me I own a ton of strollers. The best thing about this stroller is that you can buy it when you only have one child and then go back and buy the "double kit" when you get preggars again. This stroller is pricey, but worth every penny. Be warned, you will get a ton of crazy looks and tons of questions, but Brooke Shields and Gwynth Paltrow both have it, so it must be cool, right?! (For some reason the picture got cut off, check out the link for better views)

If I continue to nurse, I won't need this product with Joel, but it was super handy with Gabe. Now I know you are asking yourself, why would you want to feed your baby hands free....? Well, I didn't use this unless I was desperate, but with 3 kids who were 3, 2 and newborn and Greg in Iraq, I needed HELP! I drove to KY from KS by myself a couple of times while he was gone. I really didn't have time to stop and feed Gabe so this thing was so handy! I got so good that I could actually make him a bottle and hand it to him while I was driving, YIKES, scary now that I think about it! I saw another brand that had a strap so you could attach it to your car seat and keep it standing up. That would be a good addition to this particular one.

I got this fav from my dear friend Connie. I haven't been able to use these handy labels yet, but as soon as I need a cup labeled with Joel's name they will be very useful. Thanks Connie!

My last favorite for tonight, was also on Elisabeth's list. The snack trap. This one speaks for itself! I often forget to use it, but should whip it out more, Gabe is still super messy!

Well I hope you have enjoyed my favorite baby items. I guess I'm back to killing my blog by constantly talking about my kids/kid things, but then again it's what I know!

Off to bed....Joel sleeps through the night, but 6:30 comes early!


Shepherd Fam said...

Heather......really enjoy your list of cool baby items! I haven't even heard of some of them. My one comment is about the breast pump. We have the same one, and I found it worth every penny. When Lewis was in the NICU I pumped around the clock and this thing worked as well as the hospital grade pumps, and was much easier to deal with and transport. Other pumps are loud and take longer to use. If you've used another pump (or tried pumping manually) the Medela pump shines in comparison. Thanks for all your great tips. :)

Karen said...

Love all your suggestions! I have to agree with the previous comment in that I would have died without my Medela Pump-in-Style Advanced. It paid for itself in the first 2 months as Faith refused to breastfeed and I pumped for a YEAR. I guess if you have a good nursing baby, and only pump once in awhile, you don't need as good a pump. I got the car-kit accessory and was able to pump on our long road trips from KS to AL and TX. You just plug it into the cigarette lighter and you're off!
COOL stroller by the way! It reminds me of those adorable motorcycles with side-car!

Anonymous said...

I have a good pump that I got as a hand me down and once I cleaned the parts that touch your skin (very well!) I am very comfortable using it. I don't get the reason they say you need to buy brand new (and a new one for each of your own babies if you read it!!!) it's insane!

Heather- you forgot to mention the Bumbo chair!!!


Darby said...

Love them all! We love the snack traps too... I need to unearth mine. I only have 1 left... the other was left in the driveway and turned into a hit and run casuality!! Thanks for all the info!

Anonymous said...

thanks for all the tips! i'm so glad that i have a wonderful older sister who has been through all of this and really knows what we need. love the hotsling, it seems like it would be perfect for walking around a big city. love you!!


Lodmell said...

I agree all of these are fantastic. Some I have not tried before, but loook neat, I will have to try them with the next one. (No, not yet.) I have not found the right nursing bra yet, I will have to try that next time. The longest I have made it nursing was about 9 weeks. I am absolutely dying for that stroller, my sister-in-law has it and we borrowed it while we were visiting them. I want it!!! I don't know if I will be able to convince penny pinching David to get it.

Lodmell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lodmell said...

Sorry, I deleted the other one because it posted twice. I also just thought I would let you know that you have inspired me to start my own favorites, coming soon!