Monday, September 29, 2008

All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth...

Sam finally lost his first tooth...naturally. You may recall the first four top teeth were knocked out, roots and all, in an unfortunate playground accident.

Saturday was a big day at our house. He was so excited to have finally wiggled a tooth right out of his mouth. He was a little perplexed the next morning when he tried to eat a breakfast bar. It's hard to eat with almost no front teeth. This brings his total to five with a sixth wigglin' away as well.

Of course I always knew this day was coming, and I always thought I would be braver then my parents. I always remember them almost gagging when we would ask them to wiggle our teeth, I swore to myself that I would never be that way. Funny how these things come back to bite ya (no pun intended, okay maybe it was intended). When Sam had that tooth to the point where it was totally perpendicular with his gum I nearly lost my dinner. Thankfully he pulled it out without my help. Had I had to touch that thing I'm pretty sure I might have fainted. Am I a wimp or what?!

Missing five teeth!

Look at that cute little pearly tooth...much less gut wrenching in his tooth fairy box.

I'm trying to post a video of Sam explaining the "events" but I'm having problems uploading a video, any suggestions?


Lodmell said...

There is just something adorable about the toothless grin! I am with you though, I do not like it and will not be pulling their teeth! EWWWW!
Thanks for the congratulations! We are a little overwhelmed of the prospect of 4 under the age of 5, but we are nuts now, why not add to it! Sorry, about the transfer of the information. I am sure you understand by the time it is the 4th one what is a better way than just to post it on facebook! :)

Nancy said...

Aww! I love that tooth-less smile! I'm glad those teeth seem to be starting to come out on their own- maybe the front four are on the way back soon!!