Friday, May 29, 2009


I'm "trying" to be super Mom and limit Wii playing and TV watching after school.  It's tough.  When everyone gets home the last thing I want is everyone looking at me, while I'm trying to make dinner, asking for ideas for entertainment.

Yesterday we made it through the entire afternoon without a single media source.  Granted I had to "bribe" Ethan (he got one caught you being good IF he completed an entire puzzle, he has to have 15 to go on a one-on-one date, so bribing him with one seemed like a good plan).  

Ethan's one of those kids who left to his own devices would NEVER do a puzzle.  I was SO proud of him for working on that thing.  He worked pretty diligently for about 2 hours.  I was impressed and he couldn't be more proud of his masterpiece:

He especially wanted everyone to see this:

100 pieces!!  That's huge when you are six!

In other puzzling news, we have no idea what to name this child.  The boys all have their own ideas.  I found this paper on the ground the other night, maybe Gabe is trying to tell me something:  

In other Gabe news, I'm going to be charging the doctor and tech that told us we were having a boy with Gabe's future therapy bills.  He keeps telling me that he will see our baby in heaven, the baby boy that used to be in my stomach.  YIKES!  Poor kid!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

I never commented on this... but I do love the 'kid spelling' of Abby! You should scan that for her baby book!