Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Forget Wordless Wednesday!!!!

Okay, so I can't believe I'm saying this, we just had a DRIVE BY SHOOTING!!  I am totally not kidding.

At about 8:45ish I was sitting at the computer RIGHT BY MY BEDROOM WINDOW and I heard loud popping.  I immediately yelled down to Greg who was in the kitchen.  I was hopeful it was just fireworks and stupid kids, but I thought I would call 911.  By the time we got back downstairs a ton of neighbors were outside and the MP's were out front.

The "word on the street" is an Oldsmobile drove by and a kid hung out the window and shot in the air.  Once I heard that I immediately ran back in to check on all my babies (who thankfully are sleeping peacefully).  A couple of people witnessed the shooting and one guy followed them in his car.  At some point the MP's heard the car was on the main highway outside of post so a couple of them went after him.  A neighbor reported that their is a group of kids in the neighborhood across from ours that are trying to start a gang and so maybe it's related to tonight's incident, NICE!!!  Currently we have CSI out front complete with flashing lights and crime scene tape.  

I am still in total shock and pray this is an isolated event.  YIKES!!!!


Lodmell said...

WOW!! SCARY!!! and I thought our house feeling like it was blowing over in the wind last night was scary.

Spurlock Crew said...

All this happened on post? Your housing area is all officer, right? What the heck is going on at Belvoir?