Thursday, June 05, 2008

All the Kings Horses and All the Kings Men

Poor guy...

Hamming it up for the camera...

Couldn't put the Gabers back together again....

Poor Gabe.  We got home Friday afternoon and the big boys and I were hanging out on the front step.  Gabe was very innocently emptying a medal watering can of some mulch that had gotten in it.  Somehow he lost his balance and the rest his history.  I heard the sound beside me, I heard him cry and I swept him up in my arm and grabbed the first wash rag I could find.  Of course heads bleed a lot, and this was no exception.  From what I could see it looked like his little nose was dented in right at the bridge directly between his eyes.  I totally FREAKED.  I'm usually fairly calm in most situations but my legs went jiggly and I screamed for Ethan to go get Greg.  Greg calmly loaded us all in the car (by the time we got to the car he had stopped bleeding) and calmly drove us to the ER.  

X-Rays and super glue later, Gabe's face is looking much better.  I've a feeling he is going to have a pretty wicked scar there, but oh well, he's a boy, right?!  Now I just have to keep him from picking at it.  Yesterday morning when I got him out of bed I noticed he had picked off all the glue.  I'm just hoping it's been long enough that he's not going to continue to pull it open.  YUCK!!

Gotta love boys...I know I need to get used to this, but I'm not sure I'll ever get used to seeing my babies with blood on bring on the jiggly knees!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or does Gabe look an awful lot like Ethan in those first pictures? WOW is he getting big!