Friday, November 23, 2007

Ethan's Birthday

I still can't believe I have a five year old! On November 2, at around 12:30 am-ish, Ethan officially became "school age". Ethan is a character! He has the unique ability to make me crazy and make me smile all in the same second. Ethan has always been my "artistic" child. At times I have a hard time appreciating his idiosyncrasies because they do not conform to the compliant, laid back personality of his older brother.

Recently I have been working with he and Gabe on "school work". We have had a blast exploring colors and numbers while also walking through the Bible. Each time we sit down to work I am in awe of Ethan's "flare". He has an eye for things I don't see. We once read a book called "The Big Orange Splot", basically the story delves into the life of Mr. Plumbean. Mr. Plumbean lives on a street where all the houses look the same, that is until one day a Seagull (I believe) drops a blob of orange paint on his house (no one knows why). The neighbors try to pressure Mr. Plumbean into painting his house back to match theirs, but instead he decides to paint his house into a beautiful scene. Eventually Mr. Plumbean encourages the entire neighborhood to explore their creativity and paint their houses to their own tastes. As we turned the pages Ethan became distressed at the thought of Mr. Plumbean painting his house back to match those of his neighbors, "but I like it that way" he exclaimed, while Sam (as Nancy put it) was more then happy to enforce the rules of the HOA (home owners association). On another day I was making the boys beds. It was time to wash their quilts and I replaced it for the week with a denim comforter, again, Ethan was frustrated, "it's so boring", he proclaimed. It warmed my heart to realize that Ethan's lack of focus at times, was really his creative mind at work.

Ethan sees things and problems in ways that I never could. Ethan is always the first to put on a costume, even as baby he loved to wear the little crowns they give you at Burger King while Sam out and out refused! I was telling a friend recently, "Ethan is full of life, but that life often gets him in trouble". I definitely walk a fine line between squashing his precious personality and keeping him in line.

I think one of my favorite things about Ethan is his fierce loyalty. For those of you who know him well, Ethan is a wee little thing. He and Gabe, who are 27 months apart, can almost where the same clothes, but if Ethan feels that someone is threatening someone in our family, he has no problem stepping up and puffing up his little chest and telling them exactly how he feels. Next year Kindergarten may be an interesting year! Along with that loyalty comes his love for a good snuggle. No matter how your day has been you can always count on Ethan for some good lovin'.

I love you Ethan!

(blogger is having some serious issues tonight...maybe I'll load some more pics tomorrow!)


Anonymous said...

Aww... Ethan is such a sweet boy. I love to read about him and all you are experiencing together. It is so funny how different and unique each of your boys are- I often notice how loving and gentle Ethan is with Jillian, “I just want you to like me baby Jillian” “I think we’re gonna be great friends baby Jillian” SO PRECIOUS! Happy 5th birthday Ethan- you’re getting so big!


Karen said...

Happy Birthday, Ethan! Wow, I can't believe that sweet little boy is 5 years old! I miss his little hugs...

On another note, does the 1000th visitor to your blog get a pirze? Home-made brownies, perhaps?

Visitor 993

Lodmell said...

Happy Birthday Ethan! I can't believe he is 5 already. I think one of the last times I saw you was when he was little, maybe 1. I can't believe it has been so long since we have seen each other.

Spurlock Crew said...

Hey, is Greg wearing glasses in that photo? What's up with that...are his eyes going bad again?>?