Monday, November 26, 2007

Harry Potter?

I cannot believe Joel is almost four months old!  How is it possible??  It seems like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital.
Joel's latest accomplishments include:  grasping his hands together at the midline, raising his head high while on his tummy, rolling from stomach to back, sucking on his fingers, sleeping through the night and laughing out loud when tickled.  He is such a cutie and is adored by his brothers.

In the last week or two I have really struggled with nursing.  I have been giving him bottles the last couple of feedings and he has eaten them up with vigor.  He has been having twice as many wet diapers and is a far more peaceful baby.  Poor baby I think he has been really really hungry the last couple of weeks.  I'm proud to say I got him through the first four months and will miss our special time together but I think this is for the best.

Isn't he a cutie in my glasses?


Missy, Jim, Carter and Brady said...

Right there with ya, Heather. Brady is four months as of yesterday! He is doing the exact same things as Joel and is sooooo ready for baby food. I sympathize with you on the nursing. I had to give it up after about 6 weeks because he was just not getting enough. I so enjoyed those bottles at 3am that Jim could finally do! Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Aww... Harry Potter. And Jillian can be Hermione with all her crazy hair!


Donna said...

Cute photo! This is definetly one for the scrap books.