Thursday, June 12, 2008

Financial Peace University

Throughout our marriage Greg and I have toyed around with the idea of a budget.  We've instituted one several times but then life always seems to throw us a curve ball, a babies born, a deployment, a move (we've moved 7 times in 8 years), etc. and we fall off the wagon.  

In the last couple of months I had been very anxious about our money.  Greg suggested we sign up for Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University (FPU) at church.  I was hesitant at first, while I was anxious about our money, it was kind of nice to continue to live in denial about where we stood with our finances.  We've been to two FPU classes so far and they have been great.  We are learning SO much and as of June 15th, we will be back on a budget.  We think and hope this time we have included everything we possibly spend our money on in this budget.  It's horrible to set up a budget and then blow it time, time and time again because it was totally and completely unrealistic.  

Please pray for us as we enter this "journey".  I know there will be some growing pains and a lot of discipline issues but I know we can make it through.  Greg has promised to be my Financial Peace knight in shining armor, I feel certain that together and with Dave and the Lord's guidance we can "live now like no one else, so that later we can LIVE like no one else".

In an effort to be more thrifty I have delayed getting my hair cut and colored.  In the last few pictures I had seen of myself I was horrified by my roots and decided something simply must be done.  About a month ago I bought a box of Natural Instinct hair color that my sister recommended.  This weekend I finally worked up the nerve to give it try.  While I'm not unhappy with the results, I will say I feel as though there is some false advertising going on.  This is the color I was going for:
This is the color I got:  
Now does that look like toasted almond to you?

That's what the box claimed I was getting....I think not....oh well....It was a lot cheaper then going to the salon!  My hair REALLY pulls red, so next box I get (with a coupon, no less) is going to be a shade that will neutralize all the red in my hair.

Wish us luck on our Financial Peace journey!  

(I just noticed as I reread this post, that my hair kind of matches Joel's....maybe I am on the right track after all, HA!)


Anonymous said...

Cheyenne and I went thru FPU while we were engaged. It is a fantastic plan... and we are so grateful we took the classes. I'm pumped that ya'll are doing it too! Best wishes!! And I think your hair looks great!!! I'd never know it was out of a box!

Lodmell said...

I like the color, I think it looks great.
We went through FPU before the three kids. We are right there with you, we always have the best intentions for the budget, life happens and gets us off track.. or one of us finding something we just HAVE to have. Our intention is get back to it and cash for everything. David will be much better than I.
Good luck with it!

Anonymous said...

You look so cute Heather! I like the color very much. Good luck to you guys on the budget. Ryan and I will try not to entice you too much with all of the fun toys you could be buying. haha... Don't worry, we'll share ours.


Karen said...

I LOVE your hair! I wonder if, since it is not the color promised, someone changed the bottles in the boxes? I have heard of bored teenagers doing that for fun at the drugstore!

I absolultely HATE budgets because it is so hard for me to be successful. My biggest downfall (surprise, surprise!) is the amount of money I spend on FOOD. But, I guess maybe I'm not doing too badly. We finally have enough saved up for a hefty downpayment on a new car. How did we get there? I asked Jason not to give me any info about the "secret" bank account. How pathetic is that!?

Good Luck! You'll do great!

Liz said...

Heather, I think you look as great as ever!!!
Good luck with the budget. I have known that prgram to help lots of people.

Missy, Jim, Carter and Brady said...

Jim and I heard Dave speak last year and it was so inspirational. We pay cash for everything and are beginning the envelope system. We are so much better off and it feels good to only buy the things we can truly afford. I wish you and Greg the best of luck as you enter FPU!