Saturday, January 05, 2008

Children+Potty Training=Bissell Pro Heat

If you have children you need one of these:
It's a Bissell Pro Heat 2x.  I really, really love knowing I always have this handy (though a little difficult to man handle) appliance around no matter what my children or my husband track through the house.  I should have bought one of these ages ago.  Have I ever told you about the time the boys got into my sprinkles?  Let's just say it is almost impossible to get pink and blue sprinkles out of light beige carpet when it has been LICKED in.  TRUST ME!!  Thank goodness for my wonderful neighbor, who saved the day with her cleaner and some good old fashion Oxy Clean.

If you have carpet and children, do not hesitate, buy one now.  It's perfect for all those annoying sippy cup stains, you know what I'm talking about!  I got mine at Costco, did I tell you I love that place :0)

1 comment:

Karen said...

I LOVE our Bissel too! It doesn't work as well with the organic, "earth-friendly" cleaners, unfortunately. Oh well. The recommended Bissel cleaner is cheaper anyway. I like the lavender scented one... So, I've been looking for that menu link you used to have on here! Jason and I need to lose weight and tone up this year!