Thursday, January 03, 2008

Sweet Success??

I'm afraid I will jinx myself by posting this two early, but I am happy to report that Gabe has had two full days with NO accidents!!  YEAH!!  Doesn't he look so sweet sitting there reading his book!  Also today, I bribed him to poop on the potty, if he pooped I would give him a tootsie roll pop, well, he pooped on the potty and right now he's downstairs enjoying sweet success!  I'm very proud of him, I'll post pictures of the adventure of a two year old with a huge sucker tomorrow.  GO GABE!!

(All this talk of sweet success, tootsie roll pops and pottying is starting to really gross me out!)


Nancy said...

Why did I even check you site again? I was just here a moment ago and dared to expect a new post... then BAM (or plop) there it was! GO GABE!!! I can't think of a more appropriate treat for your Mom to bribe you with than a small brown turd of a candy.

Karen said...

Tootsie rolls in exchange for poop... I'll have to remember that one! Congrats, Gabe- you big boy, you!