Thursday, January 24, 2008

Two years ago today....

I cannot believe it has been TWO years since Greg came home from Iraq. Him coming home was a whirl wind of activity. Greg had been shoved on one of the last planes out of Iraq and that plane was not scheduled to leave until mid February. I was so sad. Most if not all of my friends' husbands were home and it is sickening and frustrating to watch everyone happy with their newly returned husband and know yours is still sitting in Iraq.

Well miracle of miracles I got a phone call on the 23rd that the guys had made it out of Iraq, were headed to Kuwait and would be home the following evening. Even just thinking about it now makes my head light with excitement and my arms prickle with nervousness. If I could have kissed CPT Akeroyd (Karen how do you spell that) through the phone I would have (he's kind of royal pain, so that's saying a lot!). The next morning (the 24th) I farmed my kids off so I could go get beautiful. Several hours later (and much poorer) I was, colored, waxed, trimmed and coiffed, what an exciting morning.

That afternoon the boys and I got to the hanger WAY to early. I wanted to make sure we got the best seat in the house. We waited FOREVER. It makes me sick to my stomach reliving the anticipation of that day. I will always treasure those two homecomings, 2004 and 2006, in my heart. It is such a special time to welcome your soldier home! Check out the pics from our day:

Our sign! Shower curtains make wonderful banners!!!

Ethan and I in the hanger, waiting for Daddy.

The soldiers!! At this point I'm thinking "General Hardy if you don't quit yapping I'm going to unplug that microphone myself!!"

Back together at last. Look at Gabe, he's not sure what to think of Greg, I think it is so cute.

As wonderful as homecomings are, I hope to never go through one again!


Anonymous said...

I love your banner!


Karen said...

Has it been two years already?! I still remember how GORGEOUS you were (are!) that day. I think I took some video... I'll have to look for it!
Good old CPT Akeroyd... whose kindness is surpased only by that of his wife... (I'm evil, sorry!)

Anonymous said...

You're gonna love this... you've gottan post it on your blog!