Wednesday, January 16, 2008

If you are over 50 you might want to disregard this post...

Okay, so through this amazing thing we call the internet I was able to locate one of my favorite friends.  Cheryl Pfennig and I were friends all through high school.  We were total dorks together and had tons of fun giggling through orchestra at STUPID Mrs. Webb, who we were fairly certain had married her own brother, who marries a guy with the exact name as your maiden name, I mean really....  okay so in retrospect we were silly, but we did have a ton of fun.  
Anywho, I recently found her on MySpace.  Say what you will about that site, it is a fantastic place to rekindle old friendships.  Thankfully there's only one Cheryl Pfennig on the entire planet!!  While giggling like a sophomore through her profile I stumbled upon a great website.  I dunno about the rest of you ladies but I love fashion.  As I type I'm watching Project Runway.  Cheryl put me on to a HILARIOUS website.  I won't mention the name on here, it's kind of a "wirty dord", but trust me, it is SO funny.  I don't laugh out loud very often, but this site had me chuckling.

It's so good to be back in touch with you Cheryl!!  

P.S.  You know all those countless days we played together in orchestra....and you know how I occasionally beat you for first chair.....even to this day I can't read music for crap I had a good ear and always listened to you or Erica Smith play the piece and just copied.  Am I a loser or what?!  That's suzuki for ya!!


Lodmell said...

So, I am glad it isn't just me that likes myspace. I love it when I run into somebody I used to know on myspace.

Cheryl said...

Hooray! I love shoutouts! And I was a closet Myspace fan for a while as all my younger nursing school friends were the ones who got me on there, but as I find more and more people my age I'm not denying it, I love it! SO great to catch back up with you! And such hilarious memories of orchestra!