Friday, October 10, 2008

Never, Never, Never

*UPDATE*  The pie was SO NOT GOOD!  The apples were terribly bitter and I could barely taste the Caramel Sauce.  I worked for HOURS on that thing...if you have the September Southern Living, do not bother making the pie on pg. 120...all day for nothing...I will have to post my ol' stand by recipe soon...there is a reason why Emiril named it the "Apple Pie of His Eye"!

Drop one of these:
I used to have this scale....or at-least one very similar to it...until this afternoon.  

Greg and I were supposed to go to dinner tonight at Greg's new bosses house.  I thought I would make a new apple pie recipe I had as a nice "thanks for having us over" gift.  I had just finished the (homemade) caramel sauce that goes over the top of the pie when I went to to put away my measuring cups.  Somehow I managed to knock my scale off it's shelf which promptly landed on my granite counter tops and then exploded into a million pieces.

Thankfully the glass was tempered...also thankfully my children had just gone in the other room.  There was glass everywhere!!  All over my feet, my counter, my stove top, my floor EVERYWHERE, including my caramel sauce!  I seriously considered just fishing out the two large pieces I could see but would have felt really guilty had we all ended up with throats cut up from little shards of glass in my sauce.  I currently have a sliced finger from one wayward piece of glass as well as several little slivers in my feet...not to mention the chunk the scale took out of my granite...Greg's exact quote was "Baby you heal...but there's a chunk out of our granite?!"  I see where I stand in all of this ;0)

So I finally get back from the bus stop and finish my completely homemade apple pie which has now become a thorn in my flesh, only to have my baby crawl over and barf at me feet.  What a day, what a day.  Let's just say we won't be going to Greg's bosses house and this pie better taste like a slice of heaven!   

P.S.  How in the world do you spell bosses as in boss possesive....Joel is screaming at my feet and Ethan is yelling at me from outside...I have no brain cells it boss's...boss'....bosses...oh who cares!


Nancy said...

And to boot, I don't even answer my phone when you need to scream about your horrible day! I'm so sorry for being an awful friend (and P.S. Comcast has YET to fix my home phone!!!) Here's hoping your weekend will be better than your Friday was...

;) N

Karen said...

But that pie sounds sooooo delicious! What kind of apples did you use?