Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Rock the Vote

I'm sure most of you are not shocked that I will be voting for it is no surprise that we jumped on the opportunity to go to his rally this weekend.

We showed up to this:
There was no way we were standing in a line five to six people deep and at least a mile long. It was cool to show the kids a little bit of history (It reminded me of the time my Nana grabbed her kids and ran them down to the airport to shake {I believe} Truman's hand, my Dad still remembers it and he was a wee little thing at the time.)

When we stopped to take this picture we could hear the crowd chanting "Sarah, Sarah, Sarah". I hear she wasn't actually there (she was preparing for SNL!) but it was still cool to hear!

Of course the road to the rally had a few Obama supporters along the way. These signs were kind of clever even if I don't agree with them:
There was another guy next to him also claiming to be a plumber.

Lastly this car was in front of us as we were driving home:

People put crazy stuff on their cars....all though if you know who get into office I might be printing some of these myself ;0)

Enough....about politics....but either way go VOTE!

P.S. Go read my last post about my new nephew!!


Shawni said...

I'm just jealous of all those gorgeous leaves lining the streets. Oh man I miss Virginia so much!

Anonymous said...

YIKES, oh no my dear daughter!!! it was EISENHOWER not Truman. I'd never shake the hand of a Democrat. Just kidding. Love Dad