Friday, January 04, 2008

It just goes to show ya....

Lovin' Tootsie Roll Pops

Licking a sucker of this size takes extreme concentration.  
In this picture Gabe is "in the zone".

"Man this is a HUGE sucker"

I knew it.  I knew I would jinx myself.  Need any lotto numbers picked, because I must be psychic.  I knew talking about Gabe's potty training success on the blog would mean sure potty training failure, but I had hope....  Silly me....

Here I was upstairs, loading these oh so cute pictures of Gabe chompin' on his pop when I got a wiff of something, something that shouldn't be in my house.  Yes you guessed it, you know what that smell was.  Lucky for me (note my sarcasm), I didn't have to rely on my nose long, I simply had to follow the poop tracks ground into my carpet.  Yeah, that's right, do you need to go back and read that again?  POOP TRACKS.  Evidently, because Gabe is a skinny minny, when he "accidentally" pooped in his pants the turds just rolled right out of his underwear and down his pant leg, which he proceeded to STEP in and then track through the house!  UGH!!!!

Don't worry, I have throughly steam cleaned every surface he touched, so you can still come and visit!  It only took me 45 minutes and lots of sweat and muscle to haul that silly cleaner up each and every step.  To top the event off as I was putting away the hose attachment and sprayed myself right in the face to include my EYES!!  YIKES!  So now, here I sit, re-showered, with sweet smelling carpet, and a very clean 2 year old.  

What a day, what a day......

So all that to say, no sticker for Gabe today.  He got a new toy that is still in the box, everyday that he stays accident free he gets a sticker on his box, after five stickers he gets to open the box and keep the toy.  He is very excited to earn his toy and this set back made him a little sad, but he promises to keep working at it!

Here's to tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

How did the turds fall out of his underpants? Does he wear boxers at two? Hopefully he will learn soon enough and you will not have to endure "train tracks" on your carpet.

Anonymous said...

well DANG! I was hoping for the best!
ps- i keep meaning to email you - i had to order a couple more yards of the fabric for the skirts, she (seamstress) said I cut the yardage too close... sorry for the delay! maybe next week!!!

Karen said...

I am trying very hard not to laugh because I'm sure my turn is coming. But haaaahhaaaa haaa. Too funny.

Lodmell said...

ARGGGH! The frustrations of potty training. Anna took right on to potty training, but will occasionally just have random accidents. Long story short, I found Anna in the bathroom with poop on three toys, down her legs, and on my bath mats. I don't know how she did it. I don't have a steam cleaner. I need one. Any suggestions?? I had to use some good old elbow grease to clean up and one toy even got sacrificied to the trash can. Three year olds can be so frustrating!! Feeling your pain!

Anonymous said...

Hey baby,

Great post about Gabe. I'm sure when I think about it, I will find a reason that this is not Gabe's fault. After all, my grandkids are perfect!
