Sunday, October 16, 2011

Mount Vernon - Memorial Day Weekend 2010

I am on a roll! It actually feels really good that I'm getting these pictures and a little glimpse of our life out there on the blog! I feel very accomplished for the day!

After Arlington we decided the next day to do a Wine and Sunset "thing" at Mount Vernon. It was the first time we had been there as a family and it could not have been more beautiful. We got to tour the mansion and sit on the lawn and enjoy wine and desserts. I remember two things vividly about this trip: first, the boys LOVED watching the blacksmiths work and sweat their booties off and second this trip was before my Dad got his hearing aids. I remember standing at the back of the mansion tour, quietly telling my Dad what the guide was saying and thinking how sad it made me that he couldn't hear better (he is probably going to kill me for this). He recently got him some fancy new ears and he loves them! YAY!!!

Gabe enjoying some of the desserts!

Mom, Dad and Abby

Abby, hoping Gigi will give her a bite!



Self Portrait!

It was such a beautiful night!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Nice to have you back :) The kids are getting so big and are still as cute as ever!