Saturday, October 29, 2011

What a Helper

My kids have all had a fascination with the tupperware cabinet. What kid doesn't?! When they are in this stage I don't even bother organizing the cabinet. I just shove everything back in and close the door as quickly as possible and wait for the next time they pull everything out. This stage drives Greg absolutely CRAZY. It seems like the tupperware emptying stage will last forever and then one day it just stops.

There are a lot of moments like these with your kids. Days when stages just stop. I often think back and wonder when I last picked up Sam, Ethan, and Gabe. One day I had a "this is the last time I will ever hold you moment", but I didn't even know it. I guess the Lord plans it that way, or we as Mother's would be blubbering messes ALL the time!

I remember when Sam knocked out his top four teeth in kindergarten, I called my Mom in tears saying, "I so wish I had paid more attention when I brushed his sweet little baby teeth last night". I pray often that I don't wish my children away. That I don't shoo them away all the time. That I listen when they need it. That I'm patient when they need it and bite my tongue when they make me batty. That I don't rush them to bed just to finish off another day. That I smile when I wake them up and pray for them constantly. The Lord has given them to me for such a short time, or in the words of Mordeci, "for such a time as this"(Esther 4:14). I hope I enjoy and remember every moment, and treasure them in my heart just like Mary did with her sweet baby Jesus!


My Mom gave Greg these cool flash lights that you wear around your neck. Abby found them especially handy for seeing into the depths of the tupperware cabinet!

Hey Mom!

1 comment:

The View From My Porch said...

This made me cry. Thanks. :)